Thursday, November 29, 2012

Zion National Park - Day 5

These photos are from a "relaxing" day. We wanted to take it easy because we were preparing to hike the Narrows the next day. These photos are from all over the park.

Checkerboard Mesa, named for the checkerboard-like striations in the rock.

The rock in Utah has wonderful texture due to the layers of sandstone. It's very photogenic!

The Zion Lodge, designed to blend in with the surroundings.

Another beautiful, clear day in Zion Canyon. The worst weather we had was in Colorado!

The Emerald Pools Trail.

A mini slot canyon on the Emerald Pools Trail, with a random tree growing from the middle of it!

A view of the canyon from underneath a waterfall. The fall was kind of wimpy, but we were there at the end of October, what did we expect?

The side view of the waterfall at Emerald Pools.

The Virgin River, meandering northward.

Ready for our big Narrows hike the next day!
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